Η Κολέτ Ντόουλινγκ στο βιβλίο της «Το σύνδρομο της Σταχτοπούτας» αναφερόταν στην διπλή επιθυμία των γυναικών από τη μία να διατηρήσουν την ασφάλεια του σπιτιού - φωλιάς και από την άλλη την επιθυμία τους να ζήσουν ελεύθερα. Όπως υποστηρίζει, τελικά αυτό που τις αδρανοποιεί είναι ο δικός τους φόβος μπροστά στην ανεξαρτησία. Έτσι κάθε φορά επιλέγουν “καταφύγια-κουκούλια” από τα οποία προσπαθούν να ξεφύγουν παραμένοντας όμως πάντα εκεί.
Η φωλιά ως έννοια και ως φόρμα αποτελεί τη θεματική αυτής της σειράς έργων, άλλοτε αναδεικνύοντας το εσωτερικό της περιεχόμενο και άλλοτε το εξωτερικό. Όταν η προστασία συνδέεται με τον εγκλωβισμό και το καταφύγιο με την φυλακή, τότε στα μορφοπλαστικά στοιχεία των έργων συνδυάζεται το σκληρό με το μαλακό, το κοίλο με το τετραγωνισμένο, το εσωτερικό με το εξωτερικό, το θερμό με το ψυχρό.
Η χρήση υλικών όπως το νήμα, η πετονιά και τα σχοινιά λειτουργούν άλλοτε ως δύναμη δέσμευσης και άλλοτε ως δύναμη απελευθέρωσης. Αποτελούμενα από συνθετικές ύλες, κάνουν ορατή την αντίθεσή τους αλλά και την ένωσή τους με τα φυσικά υλικά όπως το ξύλο, ο πηλός και το μέταλλο. Η αφομοίωσή τους ή η επιβολή τους σ΄αυτά, δημιουργούν μία νέα φύση.
In «The Cindirella Complex”, Colette Dowling wrote about women’s two-fold desire: to maintain the sense of safety provided by the home/nest on the one hand and to live freely on the other. As Dowling claims, what immobilises them is their own fear of independence. So they always opt for shelters/cocoons, from which they try to escape nonetheless always remaining there.
The theme of this sequence of art works is the nest, both as a concept as well as a form, accordingly conveying either the nest’s inner or outer content. When protection is connected to entrapment and shelter is associated with imprisonment, then the morphoplastic elements of the artwork are a combination of hard and soft, concave and square, interior and exterior, warm and cold.
The use of materials such as thread, fishing wire and rope function either as a force of commitment or as a force of liberation. These synthetic materials both contrast and blend with the natural materials of the work such as wood, ceramic and metal. Imposing themselves on the latter or absorbed by them, they create a new nature.
sculpture maquettes

sculpture maquette, wood, elastic textile, plaster, 20,7x13x5cm, 2004

sculpture maquette, wood, elastic textile, plaster, 11x11,5x15cm, 2004

sculpture maquette, wood, elastic textile, plaster, 7x17,5x9,5cm, 2004

sculpture maquette, wood, elastic textile, plaster, 2004

sculpture maquette, wood, elastic textile, plaster, 21x20x22cm, 2004

sculpture maquette, wood, elastic textile, plaster, nails, 18x7x7cm, 2004

sculpture maquette, wood, elastic textile, nails, 13,5x9x9,5cm & 13,5x9,5x7cm, 2004

sculpture maquette, wood, plaster, thread, 8,5x8,5x9cm, 2004

sculpture maquette, wood, plaster, elastic textile, 11,5x10x11,5cm, 2004

sculpture maquette, wood, metal, 8,x8,x7cm, 2004

sculpture maquette, wood, threaded rods, flying - line, wire, oil colours, 34x8,5x6,5cm, 2004

details, wood, threaded rods, flying - line, wire, oil colours, 34x8,5x6,5cm, 2004

sculpture maquette, wood, sewing thread, threaded rods, 20x13,5x15cm, 2004

sculpture maquette,wood, threaded rods, sewing thread, 64x20x7cm, 2003

details, wood, threaded rods, sewing thread, 64x20x7cm, 2003

sculpture maquette,wood, threaded rods, sewing thread, 38,5x3,5x11cm, 2003

sculpture maquette, plaster, soap, metal screws with loop, 19x3,5x3,5cm, 18,5x4,5x2cm, 2003

sculpture maquette, plaster,metal screws with loop, 20,5x4x4cm, 2003

sculpture maquette, ceramic, 4,5x7,5x4,5cm & 2,6x4,5x4cm, 2002

wood, flying - line, ceramic, threaded rods, oil colours, 86x15x15cm, 2004

details, wood, oil colours, 86x15x15cm, 2004

details, wood, flying - line, ceramic, threaded rods, oil colours, 86x15x15cm, 2004

wood, elastic textile, plaster, 104x50x45cm, 2004

wood, elastic textile, wire, nails, 76x17x16cm, 2004

details, wood, elastic textile, wire, 76x17x16cm, 2004

wood, elastic textile, plaster, rope, 50x50x50cm, 2004

wood, elastic textile, plaster, 54x52x37cm, 2004

wood, elastic textile, plaster, nails, 43x89x49cm, 2004

wood, elastic textile, plaster, 130 x 93 x 90 cm, 2004

sideways, wood, elastic textile, plaster, 130 x 93 x 90 cm, 2004

one side, wood, elastic textile, plastic, nails, 63x40x22cm, 2004

details, wood, elastic textile, plastic, nails, 63x40x22cm, 2004

wood, paper, plaster, stainless steel, 6x10x40cm & 6x19,5x49cm, 2004

details, wood, paper, plaster, stainless steel, 2004

forwards, plastic lanes, elastic textile, 135 x 170 x 260 cm, 2004

inside, plastic lanes, elastic textile, 135 x 170 x 260 cm, 2004

sideways, plastic lanes, elastic textile, 135 x 170 x 260 cm, 2004

wood, threaded rods, sewing thread, variable dimensions, 2004

foam - rubber, ceramic, sewing thread, 10x160x105cm, 2004

wood, elastic textile, nails, variable dimensions, 2004

ceramic, 80x61x30cm,1999, photo by Roula Vidali

one side, limestone, rubber, eye bolt, steel wire rope, 68x14x17cm, 2003

other side, limestone, rubber, steel wire rope, 68x14x17cm, 2003

ceramic, metal, 35x57x43cm, 2002

wood, thread, 21,5x15x15,5cm, 2001

wood, rope, plaster, 31x30x26cm, 2002

detail, wood, rope, plaster, 31x30x26cm, 2002

wood, thread, plaster, 30x30x25cm, 2002

wood, 19x47x25cm, 2001

ceramic, metal, 23x50x27cm, 2002

ceramic, 19x29,5x21cm, 2002

ceramic, 9,5x29,5x21cm, 2002

ceramic, flying - line, wire, 9x9,5x7cm, 2002

ceramic, flying - line, 6x12,5x5cm, 2002

ceramic, metal, variable dimensions, 2002

detail, ceramic, variable dimensions, 2002

wood, metal, thread, 86x11x11cm, 2002

detail, wood, metal, thread, 86x11x11cm, 2002

wood, plaster, 13,5x14x8cm, 2002

wood, plaster, 13,5x14x8cm, 2002

wood, metal, sewing thread, 22x16x7cm, 2002

wood, metal, 123,5x47x14,5cm, 1999

wood, metal, 123,5x47x14,5cm, 1999

wood, metal, 41x15x20cm, 1999

sideways, wood, metal, 83x22x30cm, 1999

sideways, wood, metal, 83x22x30cm, 1999

a maquette for train station, wood, metal, wire, 25x50x2cm, 2001

Participation in 1st Scuiptural Workshop of Skyros marble, 2006

Participation in 1st Scuiptural Workshop of Skyros marble, 2006

Participation in 1st Scuiptural Workshop of Skyros marble, 2006

Participation in 1st Scuiptural Workshop of Skyros marble, limestone (sculpture on the left), 2006